The Tasmanian Way brings together Tasmanians to inspire a whole-of-Tasmania approach to reduce emissions, build resilience and transition to a sustainable way of doing things for the health, well being and prosperity of all Tasmanians. You can get involved and help to shape our future.

Become a Supporter

Your contribution supports the Tasmanian Way to bring together Tasmanians and those who love Tasmania through events and activities to create a shared definition of our future, uncover bold solutions to help us get there and launch a High Ambition Coalition of Tasmanians committed to reducing emissions, building resilience and transitioning to a more sustainable way of doing things. Your contribution will help the Tasmanian Way to host these events and bring together a diversity of Tasmanians of all ages and backgrounds.

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Stay up to date on Tasmanian Way events, updates and initiatives. You can expect around one email every few months.

Learn More & Make a Difference

The Tasmanian Way is a platform to facilitate a Tasmanian response to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (the Global Goals).

Cities, states and countries around the world are launching their own commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals from Hawaii Green Growth to the Amsterdam Tool for Transformative Action and the European Union Green Deal. The Tasmanian Way is informed by these world leading models to adapt a Tasmanian way of responding to the Global Goals.

The Tasmanian Way acknowledges the stewardship of lutruwita by the traditional owners of our island home for more than 60,000 years and the need to embrace our past to shape our future.

Contact Us

Contact us to get involved, volunteer, and learn more. Email